Tuesday, October 25, 2005

A is for Arrrrrrrggggghhhhhhh

A recent hour session at Pokerroom.com:

K,K - raise 3xs, someone goes all in, I call.
A flops on the river.

K,K - raise 3xs, someone goes all in, I call.
A flops on the turn

K,K - barely raise at all, someone goes all in, I call
A flops on the river.

Q,Q - raise 3xs, someone goes all in, I call.
A flops on the turn. BUT a Q flops on the river.
OK, so one out of 4 is pretty bad.

Thank GOD this was play money, even if I was playing at the highest tables.

Why is it that every time I need an A lately I don't get one, but when I don't need one, it appears like a little elf? No, I'm not whining, and I know you aren't guarenteed a win just because you have pocket pairs, but really, who goes all in with any of those hands? Even A,J is marginal, and they get rewarded for it because of the stupid A.
I hate aces.

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