Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas and a scary moment

We made it to my Mom's after 11 hours of driving and a stop overnight at Kate's grandmother. The first day was seven hours on Christmas Eve, and the twins did great until the last hour, when the meltdowns reached Chernobyl level.

It's been a nice couple of days, and though we're not relaxing as much as I had hoped - let's face it, you still have to be a parent, no matter how much help you have and whether you're on vacation or not - it's still been a nice break. We're going to see Sweeney Todd (our first movie in a year) and have lunch at one of my favorite BBQ spots, and I'm thinking about going to the casino tonight to play some live poker, though the light snow may prevent me from doing that.

Kate was eating Christmas dinner at my Dad's and took far too big a piece of lamb and suddenly could not breathe. I've never seen that before, but I jumped up and did the Heimlech (sp?) on her and the piece of meat came out with a big burp.
Scary stuff.

Here are some photos:

May all your mornings be as beautiful as this one in the New Year:

1 comment:

Krissy said...

So glad your wife is okay...

Super cute kiddo's you have there!